Canvas Sponsor
4 sponsor posts leading up to the event on Create Texas social media (40,000 followers) channels. Business in e-newsletter blast (3000 subscribers) prior to event. 6 VIP/Backstage/Mezzanine tickets to the shows in the Epic Grand Theater and Jazz Warehouse, including Pub access. beer, wine and appetizers will be served.
4 sponsor posts leading up to the event on Create Texas social media (40,000 followers) channels. Business in e-newsletter blast (3000 subscribers) prior to event. 6 VIP/Backstage/Mezzanine tickets to the shows in the Epic Grand Theater and Jazz Warehouse, including Pub access. beer, wine and appetizers will be served.
4 sponsor posts leading up to the event on Create Texas social media (40,000 followers) channels. Business in e-newsletter blast (3000 subscribers) prior to event. 6 VIP/Backstage/Mezzanine tickets to the shows in the Epic Grand Theater and Jazz Warehouse, including Pub access. beer, wine and appetizers will be served.